For more than a hundred years the name Weber has been synonymous with Brush products for technical applications and cleaning solutions. They are the original brush supplier for the Concrete Products Industry, with a product range comprising
Strip/Feedbox brushes for mold cleaning
Brushes for cleaning and treating wet (green) concrete products
Rotary brushes for cleaning production boards
“Crust-Cracker” machines, used for effectively removing concrete and synthetic resin build-up on your production boards.

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About Our Brushes
Protect Your Investment
In the fast-paced industry of Concrete batching and production, it’s essential to keep your machinery in proper working conditions. This means, keeping your plant, machine and molds clean and clear of sticking concrete through the usage of brushes. Whether you need rotary brushes for pallet cleaning and green products, feed box strip brushes, or something more specialized, ISI is here to help you protect your investment.

Our Assortment of Brushes includes,
but is not limited to
Feed box strip brushes
Feed drawer brushes
Spiral brushes for green products
Rotary brushes for green products
Production board cleaning brushes
Pallet cleaning brushes
Brushes for special applications
Surface treatment brushes
Production enhancement brushes
Street sweeping brushes
Snow removal brushes
Industrial floor cleaning brushes
Concrete products manufacturing brushes

Why use ISI for your Concrete Brushes?
Here at ISI we provide only the highest quality concrete brushes and concrete production equipment in the industry. As such, our clients have come to rely on us as a trusted source for all of their concrete brush needs.